Question: What is your name? (Please give one answer)
●ω● boey,华文是宝儿。(不是真名哦~)
Question: What is your nickname? (Please give two answers)
XDQuestion: Three books which you often read? (Please give three answers)
Question: The things gained from Blogging? (Please give four answers)
●ω● 认识很多博友
Question: Your favorite food? (Please give five answers)
●ω●Nasi Lemak
●ω● 海鲜
●ω● 巧克力
Question: Favorite songs?
●ω● 周董的说好的幸福呢?
●ω● If I were a boy
Question: Places that you wish to go? (Please give seven answers)
●ω● 英国
●ω● 法国巴黎
●ω● 日本(最想去的)
●ω● 香港
●ω● 韩国
●ω● 中国
●ω● 夏威宜
Question: All-time favorite movies, dramas, or animes?
●ω●Eagle Eyes
●ω●Indiana Jones
●ω●The Dark Knight
Items that you wish to obtain? (Please give nine answers)
●ω● 快快乐乐
Question: You want to pass this tag to? (Please give the names of 10 friends)中tag的不要怪我丫!!